
4 Steps to Become a Rainmaker

Posted by Larry Bodine | Oct 29, 2015 | 0 Comments

If you talk to most rainmakers, they'll say they weren't born that way, they were trained – and you can do the same.

Rainmakers either took a class, came to a marketing conference or studied under a seasoned business getter on how to develop relationships.

Because it's in those relationships that you'll find new business. The way you build them is face to face. You have to get up, out of your office chair, and see someone else in person.

Rainmakers taught themselves to take four steps to generate new business:

1. They built relationships with clients for whom they already work. Knowing a current client well will lead to new business.

2. They marketed themselves within the firm. You can do the same by looking for other lawyers who want to co-market with you — your best ally may be just down the hall.

3. Rainmakers built their network outside the firm and started with their current contacts. You too can reflect about all the people you've gotten to know since college and law school, and target the movers and shakers.

4. They got active on a social network. This time it's different. You are being active for business development purposes, and your goal is to interact with other people online. The best place to start is on LinkedIn, where you can connect with potential clients in many ways.

About the Author

Larry Bodine

Larry Bodine is a marketer, journalist and attorney who knows how to turn website visitors into clients for trial law firms.


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