
#5 Twitter Tip - Essential Reports from TwitterCounter & Twitter Analytics

Posted by Larry Bodine | May 01, 2016 | 0 Comments


The start of a new month is a favorite time for me online, because I can read all the reports about how my Twitter handles performed. I started @MastermindExper at the beginning of April and now I have 1,919 followers. tells me:

  • My updates got 75,500 impressions in April, referring to the number of times a tweet has been delivered to the Twitter stream of a particular account.
  • My Top Tweet earned 1,320 impressions on April 13: "The Evolution of Law Firm SEO and Law Firm Websites | LawLytics ."
  • My Top mention earned 9 engagements, thanks to attorney Matthew A. Dolman who posted on April 16: @dolmanlaw #ShareTheLove @MastermindExper @Rbrutti @keywestcliff2 for being top High Value members this week :)

TwitterCounter tells me a lot more. Check out this nice chart:

I picked up some new followers with huge followings of their own: 

 Three updates in particular that I sent were retweeted the most:

  1. April 15:#FollowFriday @19bigr64 @jaredcorreia @MichaelJSwanson for being top influencers in my community this week
  2. April 12: LexisNexis Unveils Lexis® DiscoveryIQ eDiscovery Platform Enhanced by Brainspace
  3. April 29: Thanks to my top interactors! @Remi_Vladuceanu @STAYJID2000 @TillySDavies @DolanLawGroup via

As you can see, the tweets that people enjoyed the most and retweeted most frequently were ones where I thanked people and mentioned them by the @name. The same applies to Tweets that got the most likes and mentions.

Like this? Also read #4 Twitter Tip - Top 9 Reasons to Use Hootsuite

About the Author

Larry Bodine

Larry Bodine is a marketer, journalist and attorney who knows how to turn website visitors into clients for trial law firms.


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