Play the recording of Paul Samakow in the March 5, 2020, webinar: Become the #1 Attorney in Your Hispanic Market.
In a well-attended webinar on March 5, 2020, attorney Paul Samakow of Vienna, VA, revealed practical, nuts-and-bolts techniques to grow your law practice with Hispanic clients. There are 60 million Hispanic potential clients in the US and they spend $1.7 trillion a year, including on lawyers.

If you would like a conference call with Paul,
please contact me:
Larry Bodine
(520) 577-9759
[email protected]
Paul detailed how he built a highly successful practice in the Washington, D.C.-area Hispanic community:
- Specific words to use in your marketing.
- Elements of a killer website for Hispanics.
- What to say in TV ads and what time to run them.
- Effective business cards, advertising, and social media.
- Top referral sources and influencers.
- Public events to attend to get many new clients.
Paul Samakow started his personal injury practice 39 years ago and has grown it with Hispanic clients to 9 offices across Maryland and Virginia. His 152-page book How To Dominate Your Hispanic Market covers specific, immediately implementable steps to increase Hispanic client intakes.
"You want Hispanic clients because they are more loyal and will refer people to you all day long. This means they will refer everyone they know. Aunts, uncles, cousins, coworkers, friends, church people, neighbors and on and on," he says.
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