"Your presentations were two of the most useful presentations I've taken. I really appreciate your taking the time to give it." -- attorney Rennie Dover
Recently I made two CLE presentations on how lawyers can get new business in-person and online. In case you missed it, you can now see the video recording.
How to Get New Business From Your In-Person Marketing
State Bar of Arizona catalog link: https://azbar.inreachce.com/
How to Get New Business From Your Online Marketing
State Bar of Arizona catalog link: https://azbar.inreachce.com/
Are you marketing more these days and getting less in return? Then you are the perfect attorney to attend our two-part marketing program that reveals the most effective in-person and online marketing techniques that reliably produce new business. Part one on March 7th covers in-person marketing and part two on March 21st covers online marketing.
Many attorneys are frustrated because they expend effort and money to grow their law firms, and they get the feeling that some or all of it is wasted. For answers, you'll want to hear from attorney Larry Bodine.
Larry, who is the Sr. Legal Marketing Strategist of LawLytics, has been advising lawyers on business development since the 1990s. He will cover the face-to-face methods that reliably produce new files and new clients, and will also spell out the latest digital marketing tactics that supercharge your personal marketing.
In-person marketing is essential to growing a law firm, but it is one-to-one marketing. An effective online business development program lets attorneys market one-to-many. Larry will present the best of tried-and-true plus shiny-and-new business development techniques that will work for you.
What we'll cover in In-Person Marketing:
- Applying Dale Carnegie's techniques from “How to Make Friends and Influence People” to get people to tell you their legal problems / How blogging and substantive web content generates new business for law firms
- Easily connecting with people at networking events / What social media can do for you
- How to make people ask you for your business card / Mistakes to avoid in your online web presence
- How to create a crowd where everybody knows your name / The kinds of online content that work in business development
- Methods to create good word-of-mouth / Maximizing online reviews
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