Getting potential clients to read and share your blog posts is regrettably more difficult than generating good content. Of course, content is king, but if nobody is seeing your content, then nobody will be sharing it.
This infographic from Canva offers and approach with keywords, titles and optimization that will get your blog post shared 1,000 times.

David Grenham Reply
Posted May 21, 2014 at 12:01:32
Thanks for sharing. This is a great graphic. In fact I know a firm that is producing fantastic blog content, really good stuff, but they are technically not doing it right and therefore not gathering the readership that that could be.
Larry Bodine Reply
Posted May 21, 2014 at 12:20:34
Hi David,
Let me know if I can help. As you know I write for HuffPo and write under my own byline for several law firms. See for more info.
Best regards,
Larry Bodine [email protected] Office: 520.577.9759 Cell: 520.400.0420
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